
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


JuneUTD designated the NSA/DHS COE (Center for Excellence) in Information Assurance Education.
OctoberDr. Bhavani Thuraisingham joins UTD from MITRE/NSF as Professor of Computer Science and establishes the Cyber Security Research and Education Center.


JanuaryDr. Latifur Khan, Ph.D. from University of Southern California, joins the center and conducts research in data mining for malware detection. Center forms research group in cyber security.
SeptemberDr. Murat Kantarcioglu, Ph.D. from Purdue/CERIAS, joins UTD and the center.
OctoberCenter (Thuraisingham/Khan) receives its first grant ($300K) from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) to conduct research on information operations via infospheres in collaboration with George Mason University (GMU).


JuneCenter establishes collaboration with Raytheon (Thuraisingham/Khan) and receives funding to conduct research in geospatial information management.
SeptemberDr. Kevin Hamlen, Ph.D. from Cornell, joins UTD and the Center.
OctoberCenter receives funding (Kantarcioglu/Thuraisingham) from AFOSR to conduct research in risk-based access control and provenance with Purdue University.


AugustCenter receives NSF Medium Cyber Trust Grant (Thuraisingham/Khan) to conduct research on policy management for semantic web with University of Maryland-Baltimore County (UMBC )and The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).
SeptemberCenter receives grant from National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) (Khan/Thuraisingham) to conduct research in geospatial data integration in collaboration with University of Minnesota. 
OctoberCenter receives grant from NASA (Khan/Ng/Thuraisingham) to conduct research in data mining for detecting faults in collaboration with University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC).


JanuaryHamlen receives $280K AFOSR Young Investigator Program (YIP) award entitled “Automated, Certified Program Re-writing for Software Security Enforcement.
MarchCenter receives DoD MURI (Thuraisingam/Kantarcioglu/Khan) to conduct research in assured information sharing in collaboration with UMBC, Purdue, UIUC, University of Michigan and UTSA.
AprilCenter receives grant from IARPA to conduct research under the KDD project.
JuneUTD is among the first group of 18 universities to be designated a NSA/DHS COE for Information Assurance Research. 
SeptemberCenter receives grant from AFOSR to conduct research in assured cloud computing.


JanuaryKantarcioglu receives NSF CAREER award for $400K entitled “CAREER:  An Integrated Approach for Efficient Privacy-preserving Distributed Analytics”.
FebruaryCenter hosts the NSF Data and Applications Security Workshop in Arlington, VA with $50K funding from NSF.
JuneCenter hosts the Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference in Dallas, TX with $10K funding from NSF.
AugustCenter receives $80K EAGER (Hamlen/Thuraisingham) to conduct research in secure peer-to-peer data management.
SeptemberCenter receives AFOSR grant (Thuraisingham/Khan/Kantarcioglu) to conduct research in secure semantic networks.
OctoberCenter receives NIH grant (Kantarcioglu) to conduct research in genomic data privacy in collaboration with Vanderbilt.
NovemberCenter receives ONR grant (Kantarcioglu) to conduct research in botnet detection in collaboration with Purdue, UTSA and University of Wisconsin.


JanuaryDr. Kamil Sarac, Ph.D. from University of California, Santa Barbara, joins the center.
AprilCenter receives $360K grant from AFOSR (Hamlen/Khan/Thuraisingham) to conduct research on reactively adaptive malware.
JuneCenter receives Medium NeTS grant from NSF (Kantarcioglu) to conduct research in data provenance in collaboration with Purdue.
SeptemberCenter receives Small Trustworthy Computing Grant (Kantarcioglu/Khan) to conduct research in privacy aware ontology alignment in collaboration with Purdue.
Center receives $1.8m NSF Scholarship for Service award (Sarac/Thuraisingham/Kantarcioglu/Hamlen/Sha) to train US citizens in Information Assurance.


AprilKhan receives $25K gift from Tektronix to research scalability issue for large CDR dataset.
MayCenter receives $235K award from Homeland Protection Institute (Khan) to work on Android phone security with the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP).
JulyCenter receives funding of $10K from Raytheon (Khan) to conduct research in malicious behavior pattern extrapolation.
AugustCenter receives a portion of $1.1M Medium Trustworthy Computing award (Hamlen) in collaboration with University of Illinois Chicago for work on web advertisement security. Center receives $243K award (Khan) from AFOSR for cloud infrastructure development.
SeptemberZhiqiang Lin, Ph.D. from Purdue University, joins UT Dallas.Kantarcioglu is promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure at UT Dallas. Center receives a portion of $3M Large Trustworthy Computing award (Kantarcioglu) from the NSF in collaboration with UTSA and Purdue for research on privacy-enhanced secure data provenance.Hamlen receives $500K NSF CAREER award on language-based polymorphic malware security. Center receives $265K NSF Capacity Building award (Thuraisingham/Sarac/colleagues) for Assured Cloud Computing Education. Center receives $74K DoD Information Assurance Scholarship Program (IASP) award (Thuraisingham/Sarac/colleagues) for the 2011-2012 academic year (one undergraduate and one graduate student).Thuraisingham gives keynote address on Data Mining for Malware Detection at the European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference 2011 in Athens, Greece.Khan receives U.S. Army award for $350K for Adaptive Malware Detection over Evolving Malwares.
OctoberCenter hosts inauguralTexSAW(Texas Security Awareness Week) jointly with the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science at UT Dallas and $10K funding from NSF.
NovemberCenter receives a portion of $1.4m DARPA award (Lin) in collaboration with Purdue to safeguard legacy data that resides on outdated operating systems.
DecemberThuraisingham gives keynote address in Sydney, Australia on Cloud-Centric Assured Information Sharing at the 9th IEEE Conference in Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing.


FebruaryLin (co-author of two papers) and Kantarcioglu (co-author of one paper) present three papers at the IEEE 19th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2012) in San Diego.Thuraisingham participates in a plenary panel at ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2012) in San Antonio.Makris receives ASRO award for $330K called “Trusted Modle Acquisition Through Proof-Carrying Hardware Intellectual Property”.
AprilCenter receives a $970K AFOSR award (Thuraisingham/Khan/Lin/Hamlen) for Android Malware Detection. Center receives a $450K AFOSR award (Kantarcioglu/Thuraisingham) Secure Cloud Data Storage.Hamlen receives the Erik Jonsson School Outstanding Junior Faculty Research Award.
MayLin presents his paper on VM Space Traveler at IEEE Security and Privacy (aka Oakland) Symposium. CySREC Inaugural Newsletter is published.Khan gives keynote address at the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) PAISI Workshop.
JuneKhan receives the IEEE Technical Achievement Award for Intelligence and Security Informatics awarded jointly by IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society and the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society in Washington DC.Thuraisingham receives the Society for Design and Process Science (SDPS) 2012 Transformative Achievement Gold Medal in Berlin for Interdisciplinary Research.Thuraisingham gives a tutorial on Data Mining for Malware Detection at the SDPS Conference in Berlin.Hamlen presents his paper on Frankenstein Malware at USENIX Security Workshop. Articles about this work appeared in several publications including the Economist, New Scientist and NBC News.Lin receives a faculty award from VMware to support his research on secure cloud computing.
AugustKantarcioglu presents his paper on Adversarial Support Vector Machine Learning at ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(KDD) Conference in Beijing, China.World famous cryptographer Yvo Desmedt joins UT Dallas from University College, London.Thuraisingham gives a keynote address at the International Symposium on Foundation of Open Source Intelligence and Security Informatics in conjunction with ASONAM (International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining); Thuraisingham participates in a plenary panel at ASONAM. 
SeptemberCenter receives a $440K ARO award (Kantarcioglu/Thuraisingham) for game theoretic framework for adversarial classification. Center receives a $400K NSF award (Kantarcioglu/Hamlen/Khan) in collaboration with MIT and UMBC for policy compliant integration of linked data. Center receives a $300K NIH award (Kantarcioglu) in collaboration with Vanderbilt University for risk management framework for identifiability in genomics research. Funding later increased to $526K. Center receives a $300K NSF MRI award (Khan/Hamlen/Kantarcioglu/Lin/Sarac) for design and development of an instrument for assured cloud computing.Khan receives DoE award for $170K entitled “Situational Awareness of Topic Drift and Birth-Death in Cyber”.
OctoberThuraisingham, Hamlen, Kantarcioglu and Khan present their research at the AFOSR Program Review in Washington DC.Khan gives a keynote address at the AFOSR-EOARD sponsored conference in St Petersburg Russia on cyber security.Hamlen and Lin present their paper on binary stirring at the ACM Computer and Communications Security Conference (CCS).Sarac hosts the Second Annual Texas Security Awareness (TexSAW) conference at UT Dallas.Desmedt gives a keynote address on secure multiparty computation at the 2012 Workshop on Cryptographic Technologies Suitable for Cloud Computing at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan.Desmedt gives a keynote address at the 2012 Workshop on Online Security and Civil Rights: A Fine Ethical Balance at the University of Hertfordshire, UK.
NovemberKhan is elected as an ACM Distinguished Scientist.Thuraisingham gives a keynote address at the China Social Computing Conference organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.Hamlen’s and Lin’s CCS paper on binary software randomization wins 2nd best Applied Security Paper of the Year at the AT&T NYU-Poly CyberSecurity Awareness (CSAW) competition in New York.
DecemberMultiple papers co-authored by Khan and Kantarcioglu are presented at the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) in Brussels.The paper co-authored by Hamlen and Lin on securing untrusted code receives the Outstanding Student Paper Award at Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) in Orlando, FL.Desmedt delivers a keynote presentation at the International View of Cryptography and Security and Their Use in Practice in Beijing, China.Khan receives a $60K award from Sandia National Lab for situational awareness of topic drift.


JanuaryDr. Alvaro Cardenas, from Fujitsu Laboratories of America and formerly a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, joins UT Dallas.
AprilCardenas receives funding from MITRE Corporation for $40K for research on enabling secure control architectures for cyber physical systems.
AugustDr. Zygmunt Haas, a PhD from Stanford and Professor at Cornell University since 1985, joins UT Dallas. Haas is an expert in wireless network security.
SeptemberUT Dallas hosts the 4th NIST Cyber Security Framework Workshop.
OctoberThe Institute, in collaboration with the School of Mathematical Sciences, receives an NSF award entitled ATD: Efficient online detection based on multiple sensors, with applications to cybersecurity and discovery of biological threats  (Baron/Khan) for $392K.

Sarac hosts the 3rd annual TexSAW at UT Dallas.

Makris receives NSF/CISE award for $460K titled “TWC: Small:  Collab.:  Toward Trusted 3rd Party Microprocessor Cores:  A Proof Carrying Code Approach”.
NovemberThuraisingham receives an IBM Faculty award in cyber security.

University senate approves the Certificate in Cyber Security Systems (CCSS)  beginning in fall 2014.

The institute receives a $593K award from the Office of Naval Research entitled Binary Retrofitting of Untrusted Software Components for Secure Software Complexity Reduction (Hamlen).
The institute receives an IUCRC award from Raytheon titled Metamorphic Extensions to Frankenstein for Defensive Testing for $90K (Hamlen/Khan/Lin).
DecemberThuraisingham was named one of the top 15 cyber security professors.Thuraisingham co-chairs the International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) which was hosted in Dallas, TX.


JanuaryLin receives AFOSR Young Investigator Program (YIP) award in the amount of $360K entitled Towards Fundamental and Binary-centric Techniques for Kernel Malware Defense.
FebruaryThuraisingham receives $20K from NSF to conduct workshop on Big Data Security and Privacy
AprilSarac receives Erik Jonsson School Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award.
JuneThe Institute is re-designated as a NSA National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance/Cyber Defense Research for academic years 2014 – 2021.
JulyHamlen receives a $600K AFOSR award titled “Automated and Binary Evidence-based Attribution of Software Attacks.
SeptemberSarac receives Scholarship for Service award from the NSF for $4.5 million to train students in cyber security.

Cardenas receives $100K NIST award for “Hardening Industrial Control Systems Against Cyber Attacks”.
OctoberThuraisingham receives NSF award for $140K as subcontract for University of Arizona on cyber infrastructure (DIBBS)


MayUT Dallas is designated as a NSA National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations (the first in Texas and the 14th in the US).  
JuneUT Dallas’ CSI is chosen as the inaugural local host of the Women in CyberSecurity 2016 Conference. 
JulyHamlen receives NSF award for $400K titled “TWC: TTP: Medium: Collab.: ENCORE – ENhanced program protection through COmpiler-REwriter cooperation”. 
AugustHamlen receives NSA award for $287K titled Deception-enabled Interactive Software for Active Cyber Defense. 

Khan receives $4.47M NSF award in collaboration with the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences entitled “RIDIR:  Modernizing Political Event Data for Big Data Social Science Research”.
SeptemberLin receives NSF CAREER award for $535K entitled A Dual VM Binary Code. 

Cardenas receives $164K NSF award entitled “EAGER:  Improving Incentives and Awareness to Increase the Security Posture of Critical Infrastructures.

Cardenas receives $45K from Intel for Privacy and Cyber Physical System Curriculum Development.

Makris receives NSF/CISE award for $1.13M titled “TWC: Medium: Hardware Trojans in Wireless Networks – Risks and Remedies”.

Makris receives NSF/CISE award for $450K entitled “SHF: Small:  On-Die Learning:  A Pathway to Post-Deployment Robustness and Trustworthinessof Analog/RF ICs”.

Khan receives a $300K NSF award entitled “Virtual Laboratory and Curriculum Development for Secure Mobile Computing”.
OctoberUT Dallas’ CSI is chosen as the local host of the 24th ACM Conference on Computer Communications Security (CCS) 2017. 
NovemberKantarcioglu receives funding for Security Intelligence Analytics from Huawei Technologies for $50K. 


JanuaryCardenas receives $417K NSF award in collaboration with Jennifer Holmes of UT Dallas’ Economic Political and Policy Sciences School entitled “CRISP Type 1: Collaborative Research: Lessons Learned from Attacks Against Critical Interdependent Infrastructures”.

Kantarcioglu receives $220K NSF CICI award entitled “CY-DIR Cyber-provenance Infrastructure for Sensor-based Data Intensive Research”.
MaySarac and Cobb receive an NSA GenCyber Program award for $100K to conduct summer camps.

Cardenas receives $150K award from NIST entitled “The Role of ICS Testbeds in Security Experiments.”
JuneLin receives $528K NSF award entitled TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Systems, Tools, and Techniques for Executing, Managing and Securing SGX Programs
AugustLin receives $50K NSF CI-P award titled “A Community-driven Open Research Infrastructure for Intel SGX”.
SeptemberCardenas receives $514K NSF CAREER award entitled “CAREER: Practial Control Engineering Principles to Improve the Security and Privacy of Cyber-Physical Systems”. 

Lin receives NSF award fr $150K entitled “EDU: Collab.: Using Virtual Machine Introspection for Deep Cyber Security Education”.

Kantarcioglu receives $520K NSF award titled “BIGDATA: Collab.: IA: Novel Bootstrap Procedures for Efficient Large Social Network Analysis”.
OctoberCardenas receives $80K award from AFOSR entitled “DDDAS Anomaly Detection and Response (DDDAS-ADR)”. 
NovemberKhan receives IBM Faculty award. 


JanuaryCardenas receives NSA award for $140K as subcontract from North Carolina State University for Laboratory for Analytic Sciences.
AugustKantarcioglu receives ARO award for $233K for Data Analytics for Cyber Security. Funding later increases to $518.5K
SeptemberThuraisingham receives $500K NSF award for Secure and Privacy Preserving Big Data Analytics Curriculum Development.

Hamlen receives ONR award for $1.7M entitled “FINAL SECOND:  Feature ID”.

Hamlen receives ONR award for $5K for FEAST workshop to be held at the ACM CCS 2017 in Dallas, TX.

Lin receives an NSF  award for $261K entitled “SDI-CSCS: Collaborative Research: S20S Enabling Infrastucture-wide Programmable Security with SDI”.

Khan receives NSA award for $237K for CyberSecurity Curricula Development.

Khan receives $100K from NSF for Collaborative Research: ATD Statistical Detection of New Patterns and Potential Threats in Geospatial Sequences of Social and Political Events.
OctoberThe institute hosts the ACM CCS 2017 at the Sheraton Dallas welcoming over 1,000 attendees.


AugustHaas receives $199,999 from NSF for NeTS: Medium Collaborative Research: Passive Network of Tags for Smart Spaces

Khan named Fellow of the Society of Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI).

Kantarcioglu receives $25K from the ARO to conduct Adversarial Machine Learning Workshop.

Kantarcioglu receives $248K from NSA for Robust Machine Learning for Cyber Operations.

Khan receives $231K award from NSA for Big Data Driven Advanced Data Science Course Curriculum Development.
SeptemberKantarcioglu receives a $602K award from NSF entitled “MRI: Development of an Instrument for Secure Cyber Physical Systems Analytics”.

Sarac receives $497K award from NSF for SFS Capacity Building in Securing Software Defined Networks.
DecemberHamlen receives $842K award from University of Illinois at Chicago and ARO for GAMEPLAY : Graph Analysis for Mechanized Exploit generation and Patching Leveraging human Assistance for Improved Yield.


JanuaryHamlen receives $70,000 from AFOSR for Bottom-up Formal Methods Validation of Secure Microkernel Software Components

Hamlen receives $824,000 from UIC/DARPA FOR GAMEPLAY: Graph Analysis for Mechanized Exploit Generation and Patching Leveraging Human Assistance for Improved Yield

Kantarcioglu receives $305K sub award from NSF and University of Santa Cruz titled “CPS: Med: Security vs. Privacy in Cyber Physical Systems”.
MayKantarcioglu receives $65K sub award from ARO and Washington University St. Louis for “Multi-round Deception Games”.
JulyKhan and Kim receive $142,816 from UTSW and NIH for Reducing the Burden of Road Traffic-Associated Mortality Using Mobile Technology.

Kantarcioglu receives $69K from NSF as co-PI for ATD: Topological Data Analysis for Threat Detection.

Sarac receives $4 million award from NSF for Scholarship for Service program.
AugustHamlen receives $45K award from Trusted Science and Technology, Inc.
SeptemberKhan receives $499,595 from NSF for SaTC: EDU: Curriculum Development for Secure Blockchain Technologies.
NovemberHao receives $197,040 from ONR for Adaptive Defense Against Stealthy Resource-Intensive DoS Attacks


JanuaryKhan receives $588,032 from NSF for Elements: Data: Sustaining Moderns Infrastructure for Political News Sources.

Hamlen receives $80,000 from Lockheed Martin for Binary Software Security Hardening

Basu receives $224,910 from Semiconductor Research Corporation for Effective In-field Testing and Diagnosis for Improvement of Functional Safety.

Khan receives $499.5K from NSF for SaTC: EDU: Curriculum Development for Secure Blockchain Technologies

Kantarcioglu receives $20K from Purdue University for FAI: Categorizing, Measuring and Mitigating AIgorithmic Fairness.
FebruaryHamlen receives $180,000 from Siege Technologies/AFRL for Highly Assured and Defended Embedded Systems (HADES)
MarchHamlen receives $50,000 from Trusted Science Technology/DARPA for SBIR:Highly Assured Self Organizing Trusted Computing Base (HASO-TCB)

Makris receives $1.5 million from Northrop Grumman/AFRL for Provenance Attestation Methods for Integrated Circuits.
JuneHamlen and Makris receive $50,000 from NSF I/UCRC (Industry/University Collaborative Research Center for Hardware and Embedded Systems Security and Trust) CHEST for Formal Security Evaluation of Executing Untrusted Binaries on Embedded Processors
AprilKhan receives $25K from NSF for Research and Education Activities for Students at ICDE 2020.

Kantarcioglu named FRIEND of the Office of Research for FY 2019 (
MayKantarcioglu receives $100K from NSF for RAPID: Collab.: A Privacy Risk Framework for Person-Level Data Sharing During Pandemics.
AugustHamlen receives $180,000 from Siege Technologies/DARPA for Extending Assurance of kernel Software to the Instruction Level (EASIL)

Khan receives $240K from NSF for EAGER: SaTC-EDU: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Adaptive Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Development for Cybersecurity
SeptemberHamlen receives $75,000 from Intelligent Automation/DARPA for STTR:language Mechanisms and tOols for Run-TIme Memory AccEss policy EnfoRcement (MOR-TIMER)
OctoberHamlen receives $175,000 from Trusted Science and Technologies on US Air Force contract for STTR II: High Assurance Information Segregation for Real Time Embedded Systems.
DecemberHamlen receives $600,000 from Army Research Office for Information and Software Assurance: Dynamic Multi-Layer Multi-Stage Cognition-Inspired ActiveCyber Deception.
Kantarcioglu named fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).


JanuaryThuraisingham and Kim receive $60,154 from Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), an agency of the State of Texas and member of the Texas A&M University System, FOR From Device to Cloud: An end-to-End Framework for Trusted Edge Computing for IIoT Security.
AprilHamlen receives $550,000 from Georgia Institute of Technology/DARPA for Proof-driven Refinement of Infrastructure Software Models (PRISM).

Kantarcioglu receives $499,692 from NSF for CICI: UCSS:  Blockchain-based Assured Open Scientific Data Sharing and Governance.
JuneHamlen receives $50,000 from University of Illinois at Chicago/NSF for P15_2021: Formal Security Evaluation of Executing Untrusted Binaries on Embedded Processors.

Hamlen receives $83,459 from RAM Labs/ONR for STTR: Self-Healing Ship Systems.

Kim receives $25,000 for NFRS award for Real-Time Analysis Infrastructure for Attack-Resilient Robotic Vehicle Controllers.
JulyHamlen receives $549,907 from DARPA’s VSPELLS program
AugustKhan receives $240K from NSF for EAGER: SaTC-EDU: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Adaptive Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Development for Cybersecurity


JanuaryHamlen receives $125,000 from Trusted Science & Technology/DARPA for Automated, Scalable Proof Improvement, Repair, and Extension (ASPIRE). 

Kantarcioglu and Khan are named Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
MayWei Yang received $527,130 for NSF CAREER:  Enhancing Deep-Learning-based Code Analyses via Human Intelligence.

Drs. Nosratinia and Makris received $1 million from NSF for RINGS: Resilience of NextG Communications Systems to Malicious Modification Attacks

Dr. Justin Ruths receives over $500,000 for the NSF CAREER award supporting Cyber Physical Systems security research. 
JuneHamlen receives $55,000 from NSF for P14_2022 Formal Security Evaluation of Executing Untrusted Binaries on Embedded Processors
JulyKantarcioglu receives $92,773 from Vanderbilt University Medical Center and NIH for Genetic Privacy and Identity in Community Settings – GetPreCiSe
OctoberHao receives $510,000 for NSF CAREER:  Empowering White-box Driven Analytics to Detect AI-synthesized Deceptive Content
DecemberKim receives $44,000 from Sandia National Laboratories for Telemetry Analytics to Secure Cloud Computing.


MarchKhan receives $69,514 from NIST for Mapping of Cyber Threat Intelligence to Vulnerabilities and System Level Traces Using Ontology

Kantarcioglu and Thuraisingham receive $99,981 from NSF for to host the NSF SaTC 2.0 vision workshop at UT Dallas in March 2023.

Jee receives $119,000 from UT System under the Federal Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program for online cybersecurity curriculum development.
Khan receives $69,500 from NIST for Mapping of Cyber Threat Intelligence to Vulnerabilities and System Level Traces Using Ontology.
JulyKim receives $370,000 from Korea Agency for Defense Development for Verification of Cyber-Physical Threat Detection and Response Model. 
SeptemberHaas receives $29,999 from NSF for Collab. Research: EAGER: Reliable Monitoring and Predictive Modeling for Safer Future Smart Transportation Structures.
OctoberJee receives $250,003 from NSF for EAGER:  Privacy Preserving Synthetic Graph Generation for System Provenance.