Faculty and Staff

Dr. Kevin Hamlen
Executive Director, Cyber Security Research and Education Institute
Louis A. Beecherl, Jr. Distinguished Professor
NSA CAE Cyber Security (CAE – C) “Center” Point of Contact
NSA CAE – Research (CAE – R) Point of Contact
NSA CAE Alternate Point of Contact
Research Interests: In-lined reference monitors, execution monitors, type-safe intermediate languages

Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham
Senior Strategist, Cyber Security Research and Education Institute
Founders Chair Professor
NSA CAE – Cyber Operations (CAE-CO) Point of Contact
Research Interests: Data security, data mining for counter-terrorism, secure cloud computing

Dr. Kamil Sarac
Director of Education, Cyber Security Research and Education Institute (CSI)
NSA CAE – Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) Point of Contact
NSA CAE Institutional Accounts Administrative Point of Contact
Research Interests: Computer networks, network and service monitoring and Internet measurements, overlay networks, network security and denial-of-service defense, group communication and IP multicast

Dr. Murat Kantarcioglu
Ashbel Smith Professor
Director, Data Security and Privacy Lab
Research Interests: Security/privacy issues in data mining, databases, healthcare and social networks, cryptography

Dr. Latifur Khan
Director of Security Analytics, Cyber Security Research and Education Institute (CSI)
Director, Big Data Analytics Lab
Research Interests: Big data analytics, data mining for malware detection, multimedia information management, semantic web and database systems

Dr. Jorge Cobb
Director of Outreach, Cyber Security Research and Education Institute
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Computer networking

Dr. Yvo Desmedt
Jonsson Distinguished Professor
Research Interests: Access control, anonymity and internet voting, conventional cryptography, bridging theory and practice, critical infrastructures, cryptanalysis, breaking and hacking of systems, distributed and network security (including: reliable and perfectly secure message transmission, secret sharing, secure multiparty computation,verifiable secret sharing), economic models for information security, hardware security, public key cryptography

Zygmunt Haas
Research Interests: Wireless communications and mobile systems and biologically inspired complex systems and networks.

Chung Hwan Kim
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Systems security; software security; cyber-physical systems/IoT security

Dr. Shuang Hao
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Network and system security

Dr. Kangkook Jee
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: System and network and security; IoT and SCADA systems, machine learning/artificial intelligence security

Dr. Xinda (Cindy) Wang
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence for Software Security, Container Security, Network Security

Dr. Feng Chen
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Large-scale data mining, graphing mining and machine learning

Dr. Yiorgos Makris
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Research Interests: Applications of machine learning and statistical analysis towards enhancing robustness and trustworthiness of integrated circuits (ICs) and systems, developing methods for detecting hardware Trojans and counterfeit ICs, protocols for trusted acquisition of third party hardware intellectual property (IP), post-deployment trust monitoring solutions, as well as general test and reliability methods for digital and analog circuits.

Dr. Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran
Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering
Research Interests: Hardware security, nanoelectronic computing architectures, VLSI design

Dr. Zhiqiang Lin
Adjunct Professor
Research Interests: System (OS and Hypervisor) and software security, virtualization, reverse engineering, binary analysis, computer forensics, and cloud computing.

Dr. Alvaro Cardenas
Adjunct Professor
Research Interests: Intrusion detection, critical infrastructure protection, smart grid security and privacy, big data analytics for security, wireless networks, security economics, game theory, embedded systems, trusted computing
Dr. Kanad Basu
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Research Interests: Hardware-based malware detector, functional safety and security, hardware security, edge computing, deep learning for augmented and virtual reality, post-quantum cryptography
Affiliated Faculty – School of Engineering and Computer Science

Farokh Bastani
Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: AI-based automated software synthesis and testing, embedded real-time process-control and telecommunications systems, formal methods and automated program transformation, high-assurance autonomous decentralized systems , high-confidence software reliability and safety assurance, inherently fault-tolerant and self-stabilizing distributed systems, modular parallel programs, tele-collaborative systems.

Dr. I-Ling Yen
Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Distributed and parallel systems, web technologies, fault tolerance for parallel and distributed systems, multimedia systems and tools

Dr. Eric Wong
Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Program-based testing, debugging, reliability, safety, and analysis; architecture/design-based testing, debugging, metrics, and analysis.

Dr. B. (Prabha) Prabhakaran
Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Multimedia systems

Dr. Weili Wu
Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Optimization problems that occur in wireless networking environments and various database systems

Dr. Neeraj Mittal
Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: distributed systems, wireless and ad hoc networks, wireless network security, software transactional memory

Cong Liu
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Real-time and embedded systems, battery-powered cyber physical systems, mobile and cloud computing.
Dr. Vincent Ng
Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Machine learning of natural language, text mining and NLP applications, opinion and argumentation mining, anaphora and coreference resolution, morphology and part-of-speechn tagging and information extraction

Associate Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Machine learning, artificial intelligence, data mining and big data
Dr. Nicholas Ruozzi
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Combinatorial optimization, large-scale graphical models, approximate counting and inference, and belief propagation style (e.g., min-sum, sum-product, etc.) message-passing algorithms.
Dr. Shiyi Wei
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Programming languages, software engineering and security.

Dr. Ebru Cankaya
Associate Professor of Instruction, Computer Science
Research Interests: Computer security, data security, lossless compression, cryptology

Professor of Instruction of Computer Science
Research Interests: Computer networking
Dr. Richard Goodrum
Professor of Instruction, Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Dr. Neeraj Gupta
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Senior Lecturer of Computer Science and Computer Engineering

Dr. Wei Yang
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Software engineering and security
Dr. Sriraam Natarajan
Professor and Director, Center for Machine Learning
Research Interests: Artificial intelligence and machine learning and their application to healthcare problems
Affiliated Faculty – School of Management

Dr. Alain Bensoussan
Director of the International Center for Decision and Risk Analysis
Distinguished Research Professor of Operations Management
Research Interests: Applied mathematics, control theory, risk management, inventory control and finance

Dr. Huseyin Cavusoglu
Research Interests: Economics of information systems, information security management, homeland security, product customization and supply chain management

Dr. Indranil Bardhan
Research Interests: Business value of information technology, IT investment planning and prioritization, new product development, IT strategy research and data envelopment analysis

Dr. Srinivasan Raghunathan
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Economics of IT security and information sharing in supply chains
Affiliated Faculty – School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences

Dean and Professor
Research Interests: Political violence, terrorism, political development

Dr. John L. Worrall
Professor of Criminology and Executive Director, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Research Interests: Crime control policy, legal issues in policing, prosecution, courts, panel data modeling and measurement

Dr. Patrick Brandt
Research Interests: Event count time series models, forecasting methodology and evaluation, inter- and intra-state conflict, international and comparative political economy, terrorism, vector autoregression.

Dr. Fang Qiu
Professor and Department Head, Geographic Information Sciences
Research Interests: Remote sensing digital image processing, spatial analysis and modeling, GIS application software development, and web-based mapping and information processing.
Affiliated Faculty – School of Mathematical Sciences

Dr. Matthew Goeckner
Professor of Mathematics and Associate Dean
Research Interests: Plasma-materials interactions, plasma science, material growth kinetics.

Dr. David Lary
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Remote sensing and computation

Dr. Michael Baron
Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
Research Interests: Sequential analysis and sequential design; bayesian inference; change-point detection; applications of statistics in clinical trials, epidemiology, semiconductor manufacturing, energy finance and cyber security.

Dr. Yulia Gel
Professor of Mathematics
Research Interests: Time series analysis, spatio-temporal processes, regularization for weakly dependent data, high-dimensional inference, statistical inference for random graphs and networks, nonparametrics, bootstrap and resampling. Applications of statistics to environmental modeling, epidemiology, finance and legal studies.
Affiliated Faculty – School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Dr. Daniel Krawczyk
Francis Chair Professor and Deputy Director
Research Interests: Cognition and neuroscience of reasoning,memory and attention.
Ph.D. Students
Ilan Buzzetti
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Charles Averill
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Zelun Kong
Advisor: Chung Hwan Kim
Sai Tharun Reddy Mulka
Advisor: Chung Hwan Kim
Mary Grace Kozuch
Advisor: Tien Nguyen (co-advisors: Chung Hwan Kim and Dr. Murat Kantarcioglu)
Fariha Ishrat Rahman
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Wenbo Du
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Saquib Irtiza
Co-advisors: Latifur Khan, Kevin Hamlen
Weiliang Qi
Advisor: Xinda Wang
Md Nazmus Sakib
Advisor: Chung Hwan Kim
Mohan Sudharsaan
Advisor: Chung Hwan Kim
Md. Nahiyan Uddin
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Xian Wang
Advisor: Shuang Hao
Niamat Zawad
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Jaehyun Park
Advisor: Kangkook Jee
Joel Jacobo Flores (McDermott Graduate Fellow)
Advisor: Kangkook Jee
Changbin Li
Advisor: Feng Cheng
Haoliang Wang
Advisor: Feng Cheng
Linlin Yu
Advisor: Feng Cheng
Kai Jiang
Advisor: Feng Cheng
Kangshuo Li
Advisor: Feng Cheng
Tianhao Wang
Advisor: Feng Cheng
Mestan Firat Celiktug
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Chengen Wang
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Aparna Ganesan
Advisor: Kamil Sarac
Souvik Das
Advisor: Kamil Sarac
Basel Abdeen
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Sadaf Halim
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Seyyed Hosseini
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Yibo Hu
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Joshua Wiedemeier (McDermott Graduate Fellow)
Advisor: Kangkook Jee
Khandakar Ashrafi Akbar
Co-advisors: Latifur Khan, Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham
Jinghui Guo
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Changbin Li
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Yifan Li
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Sayeed Salam
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Mi Feng
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Pracheta Sahoo
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Xian Wang
Advisor: Shuang Hao
Aparna Ganesan
Advisor: Kamil Sarac
Chang Zhu
Advisor: Kangkook Jee
Kunal Mukherjee
Advisor: Kangkook Jee
Ph.D. Students Graduated
Mamoun Awad
Effective Data Mining for Intrusion Detection and WWW Prediction (2005)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: Assistant Professor, United Arab Emirates University
Lei Wang
Image Annotation and Classification (2006)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: Microsoft
Li Liu
Privacy Preserving Data Mining (2008)
Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham, Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Senior Security Strategist at eBay
Ryan Layfield
Social Network and Game Theory Applications (2008)
Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham, Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Senior Research Scientist at Cisco
Mohammad Mehedy Masud
Adaptive Classification of Scarcely Labeled and Evolving Data Streams (2009)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: United Arab Emirates University
Ali Inan
A Hybrid Approach to Private Record Linkage (2010)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Isik University, Turkey
Zhong Wang
Complexity Results in Security (2010)
Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham, D.Z. Du
Employment: Zheshang Securities, Hangzhou
Qing Chen
Data Stream Classifcation Techniques for Multiple Novel Classes and Dynamic Feature Spaces (2010)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: Software Development Director, China National Petroleum Company (CNPC), Richfit IT LLC, Beijing, China.
Mohammad Farhan Husain
Secure Geospatial Data Management (2011)
Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham, Latifur Khan
Employment: Amazon.com, Seattle, WA
M. Arshad Abedin
Automatic Cause Identification From Aviation Safety Incident Reports (2011)
Co-advisors: Latifur Khan, Vincent Ng
Employment: Bloomreach, Mountain View, CA
Mustafa Canim
Exploiting Modern Hardware for Secure Data Management (2011)Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York
Raymond Heatherly
Privacy-preserving Social Network Analysis (2011)Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Vanderbilt University
Tyrone Cadenhead
Secured Data Provenance Using Semantic Web Technologies (2011)Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham, Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Blue Cross Blue Shield
James McGlothlin
Efficient Semantic Web Knowledge Management (2011)
Co-advisors: Latifur Khan, Bhavani Thuraisingham
Employment: Fusion Inc.
Jeffrey Partyka
Learning-Based Geospatial Schema Matching Guided by External Knowledge (2011)Co-advisors: Latifur Khan, Bhavani Thuraisingham
Employment: Raytheon Corp.
Micah Jones
Declaration Aspect-oriented Security Policies for In-lined Reference Monitors (2011)Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Employment: Credera
Secure Service Composition with Information Flow Control (2011)Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham, I-Ling Yen
Sunitha Ramanujam
Toward an Integrated Semantic Web Interoperability Between Data Models (2011)Co-advisors: Latifur Khan, Kevin Hamlen
Employment: CitiGroup
Neda Alipanah
Federated Query Processing Using Ontology Structure and Ranking in a Service Oriented Environment (2012)Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham, Latifur Khan
Employment: University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Tahseen Al-Khateeb
An Effective Evolving Data Stream Classification (2012)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: Marketo, Inc.
Robert Nix
Efficient Incentive Compatible Secure Data Sharing (2012)Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Lipscomb University
Liangliang XiaoSecure Query Communication and Processing Protocols for Critical Cloud Applications (2012)Advisor: I-ling Yen
Richard Wartell
Rewriting x86 Binaries Without Code Producer Cooperation (2012)Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Employment: Mandiant
Mehmet Kuzu
Practical Privacy Preserving Record Integration and Search (2013)Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Google
Satyen Abrol
Location Mining in Online Social Networks (2013)Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: VMware
Vaibhav Khadilkar
Assured Information Sharing (AIS) Using the Cloud (2013)Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham, Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: NutraSpace
Pallabi Parveen
Evolving Insider Threat Detection Using Stream Analytics and Big Data (2013)Advisor: Bhavani Thuraisingham
Employment: AT&T (previously VCE Consortium (VMware, Cisco, EMC2))
Safwan M. Khan
Decentralizing Trust: New Security Paradigms for Cloud Computing (2013)Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Employment: eBay, Inc.
M. Saiful Islam
Security Issues Due to Outsourcing Sensitive Data to the Untrusted Remote Server (2014)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Microsoft
Meera Sridhar
Model-Checking In-Lined Reference Monitors (2014)
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Employment: University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Brandon Parker
Sluicebox: Semi-supervised Learning for Labeled Prediction with Concept Evolution and Tracking in Non-stationary Data Streams (2014)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: L3 Communications
Lidan Fan
Rumor Blocking and Influence Diffusion in Social Networks (2014)
Co-advisors: Ding-Zhu Du, Bhavani Thuraisingham
Employment: University of Texas at Tyler
Vishwath Mohan
Source-Free Binary Mutation for Offense and Defense (2014)
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Employment: Google
Jyothsna Rachapalli
Secure RDF Data Management (2015)
Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham, Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: NutraSpace
Huseyin Ulusoy
Towards Accountable Big Data Management Systems (2015)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: SAP
Junyuan Zeng
Binary Code Resuse: A Dynamic Analysis Based Approach (2015)
Advisor: Zhiqiang Lin
Employment: FireEye
Erman Pattuk
Enhancing Privacy in Cloud-based Data Management Services (2015)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: LinkedIn
Yangchun Fu
Bridging the Semantic Gap in Virtual Machine Introspection via Binary Code Reuse (2016)
Advisor: Zhiqiang Lin
Employment: Google
Frederico de Silva Araujo
Engineering Cyber-deceptive Software (2016)
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Employment: IBM T J Watson Research Center
Yufei Gu
Extracting Invariants from Binaries and its Applications (2016)
Advisor: Zhiqiang Lin
Employment: CloudEra
David Urbina
Deep Packet Inspection for Physics-Based Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems (2016)
Advisor: Alvaro Cárdenas
Employment: Intel Corporation
Emrah Cem
Sampling and Estimation on Large Online Social Networks (2016)
Advisor: Kamil Sarac
Employment: imo messenger
M. Solaimani
Design and Development of Real-time Big Data Analytics Frameworks (2017)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Ahsanul Haque
Semi-supervised Adaptive Classification over Data Streams (2017)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: Microsoft
Khaled Al-Naami
Enhancing Cybersecurity with Encrypted Traffic Fingerprinting (2017)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: Salesforce
Junia da Rocha Valente
Vulnerability Trends in IoT Devices and New Sensor-assisted Security Protections (2018)
Advisor: Alvaro Cárdenas
Employment: Post Doctoral Associate, The University of Texas at Dallas
Yasmeen Alufaisan
Towards Algorithmic Accountability in Data Mining (2018)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University
Swarup Chandra
Scalable and Secure Learning With Limited Supervision Over Data Streams Machine Learning and Security (2018)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Justin Sahs
Bayesian Nonparametric Probabilistic Methods in Machine Learning (2018)
Co-advisors: Latifur Khan, Bhavani Thuraisingham
Carlos Barreto
Role of Economic Policies in the Security of Critical Infrastructures (2018)
Advisor: Alvaro Cárdenas
Employment: Post Doctoral Associate, Vanderbilt University
Mustafa Faisal
Modeling Behavior of Industrial Control System Protocols for Intrusion Detection (2018)
Advisor: Alvaro Cárdenas
Employment: Procter and Gamble
Vishal Karande
Protecting User Applications Using Trusted Execution Environment (2018)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: Google
Ahmad Mustafa
Novel Class Detection and Cross-Lingual Duplicate Detection Over Online Data Stream (2018)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Employment: Mawdoo3
Wenhao Wang
Source-free, Component-driven, Software Security Hardening (2019)
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Employment: Google
Ceren Abay
Using Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction and Data Generation with Applications to Data Privacy (2019)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Visa
Erick Bauman
Securing Binary Programs Without Perfect Disassembly (2019)
Co-advisors: Kevin Hamlen and Zhiqiang Lin
Employment: The University of Texas at Dallas
Huibo Wang
Securing SGX Applications Via Memory Safe Programming Languages and Augmented Runtime (2019)
Co-advisors: Zhiqiang Lin and Bhavani Thuraisingham
Employment: Baidu USA
Gbadebo Ayoade
Mitigating Cyberattack with Machine Learning-based Feature Space Transforms (2019)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Fahad Shaon
Secure Cloud Data Analytics with Trusted Processors (2019)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: DataSecTech
Vipin Sehrawat
Privacy Enhancing Cryptographic Constructs (2019)
Advisor: Yvo Desmedt
Masoud Ghaffarinia
Automated Binary Software Attach Surface Reduction (2020)
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Employment: Google
Maryam Bahojb Imani
Design and Development of Scalable Analystics Frameworks with Applications in Blockchain Smart Contract Security and Political News Mining (2020)
Co-advisors: Latifur Khan and Bhavani Thuraisingham
Employment: Walmart Labs
Raul Quinonez
Securing Autonomous Vehicles with Robust Physical Invariants (2020)
Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham and Alvaro Cardenas
Xiaoyang Xu
Native Software Security Hardening in the Real World: Compatibility, Modularity, Expressiveness and Performance (2020)
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Employment: Google
Imrul Anindya
Understanding and Mitigating Privacy Risks Raised By Record Linkage (2020)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Microsoft
Kelvin Mai
Anomaly Detection in SCADA Networks Using Expert Models and Machine Learning Based Techniques (2020)
Co-advisors: Murat Kantarcioglu, Alvaro Cárdenas
Bo Dong
Multistream Mining and Its Applications (2021)
Co-advisors: Latifur Khan, Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham
Aref Asvadishirehjini
Ensuring Integrity, Privacy and Fairness for Machine Learning using Trusted Execution Environments (2021)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employment: Facebook
Chen Zhao
Fairness-aware in Multi-task and Meta Learning (2021)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Hemeng Tao
Transfer Learning and Distance Metric Learning in Non-stationary Environments (2021)
Co-advisors: Latifur Khan, Bhavani Thuraisingham
Yang Gao
Enhancing Classification and Retrieval Performance by Mining Semantic Similarity Relation from Data (2021)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Jun Duan
Securing Computations with GPUs (2021)
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Employment: The University of Texas at Dallas, Post-doctoral Research Associate
Erick Parolin
Deep Learning Methods for Improving Event Extraction on Political and Social Science Studies (2022)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Brian Ricks
Practical Network Anomaly Detection: From Data Generation to Classification (2022)
Co-advisors: Bhavani Thuraisingham and Sriraam Natarajan
Shamila Wickramasuriya
Computer and Humans Exploring Software Security (2022)
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Harsh Bimal Desai
Using Public and Private Blockchains for Secure Data Sharing and Analytics (2022)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Vibha Chandramouli Belavadi
Adversarial Machine Learning for Social Good (2022)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Yu Lin
Enhancing Point Cloud Generation from Various Information Sources by Applying Geometry-aware Folding Operation (2022)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Zhuoyi Wang
Efficient Continual Learning Framework for Stream Mining (2022)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Mustafa Safa Ozdayi
Towards Trustworthy Machine Learning (2023)
Advisor: Murat Kantarcioglu
Employer: Qualtrics
Gilmore Lundquist
Artificial Software Diversification Through Program Synthesis (2024)
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Matthew Joslin
Systematic Methods to Analyze and Recognize Illicit Information Manipulation (2024)
Advisor: Shuang Hao
Xiaodi Li
Advanced Approaches in NLP and Security: Addressing Catastrophic Forgetting Through Continual Learning and Resolving Data Imbalance in Semi-Supervised Settings (2024)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Md. Shihabul Islam
Confidential Computing with Trusted Execution Environments (2024)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Yigong Wang
Continual Learning with Applications in Different Scenarios (2024)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Mahmoud Zamani
Towards Vulnerability Detection Using Graph Contrastive Learning and Generative Models (2023)
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Sultan Alsarra
Development Techniques for Large Language Models for Low Resource Languages (2023)
Advisor: Latifur Khan
Other Ph.D. Students Sponsored and/or Mentored
Alam Ashraful
Geospatial Data Management (2005)
Part-time working at AT&T
Amy Tan
Data Mining (2007)
Roy Harichandan
Richard Antiabong
Mohammed Iftekar
Wubing Wang
Advisor: Zhiqiang Lin
Chaoshun Zuo
Advisor: Zhiqiang Lin
Qinchuan Zhao
Advisor: Zhiqiang Lin
Benjamin Ferrell
Formal Software Validation
Advisor: Kevin Hamlen
Non-Thesis MS Students
Pallabi Parveen
Face Recognition, RFID, (2005 – 2006)
Employment: Texas Instruments
Alam Ashraful
Secure Geospatial Data Management (2006)
Employment: AT&T
Sai Chatanya
Privacy Preserving Surveillance (2006)
Dilshad Cavus
Data Mining for Assured Information Sharing (2006)
Ramaya Krishnan
Secure Motion Management (2007)
Jyothsna Rachapalli
Semantic Web (2008 – 2009)
Greg Hellings
Geospatial Data Management (2009)
Jack Lindamood
Privacy preserving methods in social networking data (2008)
Pankil Doshi (2010)
Ankit Malhotra
Privacy preserving Data Stores for Mobile Platforms (2014)
Mohammad R. Rahman
Graduated (2014)
Gunasekar Rajasekar
Graduated (2015)
Gautam Ganesh
Empirical Evaluation of Graph Processing Platforms for Knowledge Discovery from Big Graphsm (2015)
Siddharth Nagarajan
Graduated (2015)
Aravind Ramachandran
Graduated (2017)
Post-Doctoral Research Associates
Dr. Mamoun Awad
Assured Information Sharing
Ph.D., UT Dallas
February 2006 – August 2006
Dr. Chuan Li
Geospatial Data Mining
Ph.D., UT Dallas
September 2006 – December 2006
Dr. Ebru Celikel
Risk-based Access Control
Ph.D., Turkey
June 2006 – June 2007
Dr. Greg Lee
Surgical/Secure Robots
Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle
August 2007 – July 2009
Dr. Mehedy Masud
Malware Detection
Ph.D., UT Dallas
March 2010 – December 2011
Dr. Yan Zhou
Data Security and Privacy
Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis
2010 – Present
Dr. Tyrone Cadenhead
Data Provenance and Assured Cloud Computing
Ph.D., UT Dallas
2011 – 2013
Dr. S. Ranjit Ganta
Data Privacy and Warehousing for Large Databases
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, University Park
2013 – 2015
Dr. Jairo Giraldo
Cybersecurity and Privacy of Control Systems
Ph.D., Universidad delos Andes, Bogota
Dec. 2015 – Aug. 2019
Dr. Cuneyt Akcora
Ph.D., Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Oct. 2016 – June 2019
Dr. Junia Valente
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas
Aug. 2016 – May 2022
Erick Bauman
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas
January 2020 – August 2022
Dr. Jun Duan
PhD., The University of Texas at Dallas
September 2021 – Present
Minkyung Park
October 2023 – Present
Supervisor: Chung Hwan Kim
Research Scientists
Irina Sakharova (2010 – 2012)
Topic: Tracking Terrorist Financing
Jan Kallberg, Ph.D. (2013 – 2014)
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, TX
Topic: Social and Policy Aspects of Security
Visiting Research Scholars
Jan Kallberg, Ph.D.
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, TX